Pilates Makes You Happy

Ramblings from a Fitness Freak

Friday Thoughts

Well. Yesterday was depressing.

I apologize for the deep, nonsensical, blog content.  Today we will get right back into the shallow, nonsensical, blog content.

This morning, while running, I had some thoughts.  As we all know, Friday running thoughts equal a Friday random thoughts blog post. So here we go.

1) Paddleboarding = Awesome.

There is no picture, as both brother bear and I left our iPhones at home. We anticipated falling quite a bit. (don’t worry, we are going again, you will get your photographic evidence)

Someone fell alright. Who was it? I’ll give you one guess. Not me. (win. win.)

Despite him falling, Mack and I both agreed that it was an awesome time despite the circumstances. Paddleboarding is actually quite calming. It was just us, the sun, the lake and some good convo. An enjoyable time all around.


Yes, I took a screen shot of this while at the gym. I thought this was hilarious. For those of you who don’t watch, this is Emily, from “The Bachelorette”. After blogging yesterday, I went to the gym, to take part in some mindless TV and sweating out my feelings. This is Emily’s face when she is talking about how horrible she would feel if she ever broke a contestant’s (Chris) heart. Doesn’t she look like she would feel horrible? That is EXACTLY how I look when I feel horrible. Good face Emily. Win for you.

3) Emoticons

(Friends of mine who use these often (aka- Danni) you can just skip this part. This rant does not include you.)

Do you know what I absolutely hate? Like REALLY dislike?


I can handle them from females. In fact, the odd time, (odd, odd time. REALLY odd) I would even add a smiley face.

I absolutely. 100%. CANNOT STAND men who use emoticons.

I know this is a generational thing, this emoticon use. Maybe this is proof that I am really a 85 yr old inside. (as if we needed more proof). I know this has to do with generations, because when I talk about this with my friends who are my age- they don’t get my stance. When I talk about this with friends a bit older than me – they agree 100%. Something about a man who uses a wink, or a smiley face, or (gasp) that stupid emoticon that uses a “P” and it supposed to illustrate sticking out a tongue at someone – really turns me off. I probably could overlook it.  But, it makes me cringe. It makes me cringe the same way that people use “lol” or “U” instead of “you” or “ur” instead of “your.

I realize this is hypocritical of me, because I use conjunctions to start sentences, and I really have poor comma usage. However, why they need for “u”, “ur” or “lol”, why do you need to show me that you are sticking out your tongue at me? Or winking? Ugh.

Just. Ugh.

Maybe this is a clue as to why I am single?

Anyhow I digress.


I am in love with John Mayer.

Always have been. But I am majorly crushing today. (ya I’m simultaneously 85 and 14)

Can’t explain it. Just was listening to his new CD, pretty awesome.

Favorite song? Age of Worry.

Favorite line? “Don’t be scared to walk alone, Don’t be scared to like it”

Oh John. You get me everytime.


Happy Friday Folks.


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Things I THINK Thursday


So technically, it’s supposed to be “Things I Love Thursday”.

However. I have more random thoughts circling in my head, rather than things that I love (plus let’s face it, I’m on summer vacay, how many times can you hear about how much I love running, Montana, pilates, nice weather and popcorn?!)

Therefore, without further adieu. Things I THINK Thursday.

1) With Nora Ephron gone. Chick flicks will go down the drain. (they were already circling the drain before, but now – it’s going to be really bad- chick flicks will have gone the way of all that disgusting shed hair and toothpaste crap that lives in the deep recesses of the drain. Don’t act all grossed out – you know EXACTLY what I am talking about.)

(I like this picture because she is talking with her hands. I also talk with my hands. Nora and I are kindred spirits)

Nora Ephron wrote the screenplays for some of my favorite all time movies. The best one?

“When Harry Met Sally” is my ALL TIME favorite movie. I have the dialogue memorized. I could quote you any line from it. In fact, if you think you are my friend and I haven’t made you watch this movie yet…perhaps we are not really friends?

I kid. I kid.

I can’t really articulate to you why I love this movie so much. Maybe it’s because it takes them both so long to figure out how much they love eachother. Maybe it’s because they mess up so many times in their quest for love. Maybe it’s just because I love Meg Ryan and want to be her.

Regardess. I’m sad Nora Ephron died, and I’m forever grateful that she gave me “When Harry Met Sally”.

2) Why the F is Ann Curry leaving the today show?! Seriously?

If you saw Ann Curry saying good-bye this morning, you would be just as outraged as I am.  What the heck people? Obviously they are kicking her out. This makes me mad. I don’t know if I’m just channeling my anger about the certain “life things” I have going on right now into righteous anger on Ann Curry’s part – but I’m ANGRY.

Dear Ann Curry, (if you read this blog, which lets face it, you’re not my mom, or brother, or friends- so why would you. But let’s pretend)

    You can always come over to my house, sit at my breakfast bar while I make my breakfast, and tell me the news. I find your voice soothing and comforting and it always makes me feel better about things. Even when you report about one guy eating another guy’s face.

  Love, Madison

3) Let’s address the Bosu Ball Training DVD. (there is no picture of the guy who is apparently a “personal trainer” who apparently, is certified to show you this crap)

Yesterday, after running, I did an abs video that came with my bosu ball. (Dear Kristy, if you are reading this, I miss you and your ab workouts. A lot. Obviously I am desperate.) The dude on the video made me do these crazy things, he said I would feel it in my abs today (which I don’t) and that if you feel it in your back, this is good, because you are strengthening it. I feel it in my back, but not in a good way. So really, I feel worse after doing this DVD. Thanks Bosu Ball guy. Thanks.

Funny story. For some reason I’ve always had an aversion to working out at home, from DVD’s and such. I always equate working out at home with this:

(google- Gazelle Exercise Equipment, maybe there is a video or two. I’m sure some people have lost weight on this, but I highly doubt that Tony Little got his “sick” bod (and I mean sick like puke) by using this thing everyday)

4) Brother bear is finally done spring classes.

Brother Bear is a genius. He’s doing some degree in some geological thing that I can’t even begin to comprehend. Lately, he has been doing spring classes. He writes his final today. This is exciting for me, as I will have another adventurer who is also on summer holidays. This means, tennis, hikes, bike rides, drives – just general adventures. When you are a teacher and all your other friends aren’t, summer can be lonely. This is why I suggest you make your parents pro-create another child for you to hang out with.  (obviously, the only reason they had my brother – is for me.)

Those are some things that I am thinking. I apologize that there was no things that I love. Maybe that’ll come tomorrow. Or later today. You just never know with me… I’m a wild card. (not)